Last month for TWD we made Irish Soda Bread, and I was definitely not a fan. It was okay, and I ate it, but it wasn't good enough that I wanted to make it again and the weird smell sealed the deal. After reading several of the other Doristas' posts and thinking about their add-ins, I figured I'd give it another go. It comes together so quickly that even if I didn't like it, it wouldn't be a huge waste of time.
But I did like it. Or I guess I should say "them," since I made rolls instead of a single loaf. I followed the example of one of the recipe's hostesses, Cathy of My Culinary Mission since I love love LOVE Gruyere cheese. All it took was a cup of Gruyere and a tablespoon of cracked black pepper to turn this into a recipe I'm happy to keep on my short list.
The original recipe says that the bread won't keep, but I wrapped each roll in saran wrap, tossed them in a heavy duty Ziploc bag and popped them in the freezer and they seemed to keep just fine. I pulled out a roll nearly every day for a week and toasted it or reheated it in the oven, smeared on some butter and just smiled, because it was amazing.
Things I learned from this project:
- Even if you don't like something the first time, don't be afraid to rework it and try again.